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Old 08-26-2015, 02:02 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 983

I pin basted several quilts and will never, never, never do that again. I hate hand stitching, so that's out. I glue baste with Elmer's School Glue. It's fast, easy, cheap and I've never had a quilt "slip," nor have I ever had a pucker. I tape my backing to the floor, pulling it smooth and tight. I lay out the batting on the backing, cut it to size and fold back half at a time. Drizzle more glue, smooth out the batting, and then do the other half. Same process with the quilt top. Let dry over night, and you're ready to quilt. The glue never releases no matter how much the quilt is handled. Then I wash the quilt with plenty of water and it's perfect. My sewing machine never notices the glue and it never gums up because it's dry. I can't imagine why I'd ever do it any other way. For wallhangings that won't get washed, I use fusible batting.
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