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Old 09-01-2015, 11:08 PM
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Default Oh no, no, no, no!

I was tidying up the sewing room after completing my chevron quilt for my grandson when I came across the scrap of fabric left over from my binding, picked it up and started to fold it and on so doing noticed that I had cut the strips for my binding lengthways along the grain. Usually If I have enough fabric I make it on the bias, if not, I cut my strips across the grain...selvedge to selvedge which is what I intended to do but this time I have completely mucked it up and cut it lengthways. How could I have made this mistake!! Stupid, stupid inattention! I've googled "straight grain binding" and am now I really have to remove all my binding and redo it? A sad little corner of my brain reasons that maybe cutting it lengthways with the grain will, although giving it no stretch or ease, will give a firm edging for a little boys I kidding myself here? Is it really going to wear quickly? I don't mind actually making and sewing on binding but it's just the idea of the hours it is going to take me to unpick the binding from the quilt. I guess I could just make the quilt a smidge smaller by cutting the binding off but oh dear, what am I to do? What is the right and sensible thing to do apart from a stiff whisky and a good sob into my hanky!

Last edited by ruby2shoes; 09-01-2015 at 11:13 PM. Reason: grammar
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