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Old 01-16-2010, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by minnow895
i had stopped quiltin for a number of years when i started back to work as an over the road truck driver i had an accident and wound up with closed head injury [brain damage] my nuroligis thought it was great that i did quilting i dose a lot of help in the memory area and it helps get back some of my orginiznalional skills spelling is still not that good yet but it will come anyway my doctor says i have made a lot of improvement just by poecing things together so if you know a person with brain damage get them quilting
This is so interesting! I have a friend who was a master teacher at the time of her illness (encephalitis (sp?). One of her children had chicken pox and that's how her body reacted to it. To make a very long and sad story short, she suffered brain damage and can no longer teach. If I can get her still long enough, I will try to get her involved. She is very active in a lot of things. She joined a line dancing group, cleans houses, and takes care of her grandchildren. She has come a very long way. She re-learned to read with her twins that were in the first grade. Nouns are her biggest hurdle. She rarely remembers my name, but it's getting better. She is very intelligent so has found ways to let us know what she is thinking. For instance, when she wants to name my son, she says something like this:"I saw your boy (son) who is my brother's good friend."
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