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Old 09-08-2015, 07:18 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,383

I'm trying not to purchase every gadget that comes around and I hated having my binding pooled on the floor as I attached it to my quilt so would roll it onto a flat cardboard I get from the canned cat food case or onto a TP cardboard. Came up with another idea as it would still be on the floor and the cat would have a lot of fun batting it around while I was attaching it so now I have it on a wire coat hanger. Had a few of these old timers laying around so cut a slot in the middle of the bottom rung and slid my TP roller onto it and hung it on a pipe on my rafters above. My sewing room is in the basement and its not finished totally so open beams with pipes strung around. Anyway, I can put 4-5 sets of bindings onto the hanger and pull it off as I need it. I Elmer Glue my binding onto my quilt top and then take it to the machine to stitch it so this idea is working great for me now.
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