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Old 09-10-2015, 06:19 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 673

Originally Posted by Vridar
Very similar to Necchi BU.
While the BU is one of my favorite machines, it does vibrate quite a bit at high speeds. When you put the accelerator to the floor, the Vigorelli is as smooth as a... well, you know.

Originally Posted by DonnaMiller
Just for giggles try ISMACS. They may have something on it. Odd bobbins are a problem. There aren't many Virogellis out there so hunting won't be as easy as Singer.
From your comment, I can't tell if you're hunting for bobbins or Vigorellis. Bobbins are not only easy, they're the desirable (especially for quilters) large-capacity class 15 type. Hunting for a Vigorelli? Not as easy as Singer, to say the least.

Those who like the Vigorelli may want to keep an eye out for a Mundlos machine. A quick Google search didn't produce the Vig's twin, but an old forum buddy recently sent me a tin of attachments from a Mundlos, suggesting that they'd fit since the machine he got it from was identical, right down to the unique double spool pin. (I now have two extra double spool pins - better safe than sorry, I guess!) Maybe it's a Vigorelli badged for the Spanish (or Portuguese) market? (Although I think I can almost decipher the word "Malta" on the worn label.) The tin, by the way, is the same olive color as my machine.

Last edited by Manalto; 09-10-2015 at 06:31 AM.
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