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Old 09-15-2015, 09:17 AM
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Default Woven rugs

Originally Posted by bearisgray
My Mom used to make woven rugs - hers were "way better than average"

Some of the reasons were:

1) She used new or slightly used recycled things like sheets

2) She had a good sense of color, design, and balance

3) She had "standards" - her turns were even, the edges of her strips were turned in so there no raw edges showing, her strips were sewn with diagonal joins so there wouldn't be lumps, her knots at the ends of the rugs small and even - etc.

(She's been a hard act to follow - - but an excellent example!)

Anyway - the point of this post -

She did weave some "rags" - and they truly were rags - for a dear neighbor - she ended up resewing a bunch of them to make them "tolerable" to her sensibilities - and a batch for another person - and those were even harder to work with -

After that she swore "Never again"

She did do ONE commissioned work for someone - that kept changing the parameters - and was cheap - also a "Never again"

She preferred to work with materials of her choosing and prepared to her standards.

So - the point of this post is - sometimes it is really hard to say "no" - but sometimes avoiding the aggravation is worth it - there is no way one can make something decent out of materials that are unsuitable for the purpose.

It is a lot easier to "do it all" than to try to use something that really should have gone in the wastebasket or burning barrel.

As far as doing things on commission - getting it in writing and getting a down payment - CRUCIAL steps!!

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