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Old 09-23-2015, 05:38 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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There's a pair of 99's in bentwood cases at a thrift store near me - they've been there 2+ months because they want $75 each for them and they're not really in fabulous shape. One of them is slightly tempting - knee controlled with the knee bar intact but I already have two 99's so I'm kind of glad it's overpriced, LOL.

I've pretty much gone into bargain-hunting mode now that my house is full of machines. The same time I bought this White, there was a nice-looking 15 Clone, a "General" - lovely shiny paint and nice gold & green decals, moved great, decent case, overall a wonderful machine and I'd have loved to take it home...but they wanted $48 for it and I'm too cheap to pay that much for a machine that isn't on my wish list. The $25 turquoise White, however, I could NOT pass up!

The White has a name, now, courtesy of a friend of mine. Betty, after Betty White! I adore Betty White so it's a good name for my new favorite machine.
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