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Old 09-24-2015, 09:47 AM
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Location: Shubuta, Mississippi
Posts: 465

I went for my yearly gyn visit this week. I have had a rash underarms, under breasts and in the groin area that my regular doc suggested was maybe an allergy so he put me on Singular. It has come and gone, but the ob/gyn took one look and said it was a yeast infection. She said it was time I started to make some changes in my diet. Particularly sugars and processed carbs. She suggested a cook book call Fat Chance. Anyone heard of this before? I'm gonna struggle with the sugars because I am a Pepsi drinker and not the diet stuff! I have cut back and do not consume nearly what I used to (2-3 cans per day) now only about 5-6 a week.
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