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Old 09-25-2015, 07:18 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
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Pretty cat. Looks much like my DGD's Tori. I'm not a cat fancier but not a hater either. Last spring went to see my friend in north Texas. Her neighbor brought her newly rescued kitten (about 6 months) at the time to show my friend. She put it down and my friend had just let the dogs outside. I was getting ready to leave for my drive back home. I had a tote (you see where this is going) with a light jacket in it. Got to San Marcos outlets for a pitstop and legstretch. Boy did I get a leg stretch. That little booger made a mad dash out of the tote and across the parking lot. Got him cornered and back to my car. Took a photo and text my girlfriend that we were on our way back. They thought the kitten had been in the back yard and picked up by a hawk. Called the DH and told him the story and I would just see him the next day. The kitten hadn't had an actual name yet so I said "Call him Marco" because of the outlets. Kids picked up on it right away. Fastest little booger I had seen in a long time.
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