Thread: Elmer's Glue
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Old 09-26-2015, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by tessagin
Use a shower curtain or get a cheap tarp. DH has a cheap tarp he got for $5.00.
By "cleaning off my cutting table", I don't think she meant that the glue would mess it up. I think she meant all the STUFF that accumulates on such tables, as does on mine. I use my queen size bed and have done it many times. There is NO over spray or anything to clean up after the quilt is finished.

I find the middle of the top, middle of the batt, and middle of the back. Pin this line together a few places across the quilt. I fold the top back to the pin line and squeeze 50-50 diluted-with-water glue over the batt to about half way down. Run my fingers over the glue line to get ride of the "beading" and spread the top down and smooth as I go. I use my iron (on the bed) to help dry the glue. Then I fold that back to the glued line and finish that half the same way. Do the other end of that side, then turn it over the repeat on the other side.

I found that when I wash it later, I need to use warm water and a little soap.

And this glue will NOT gum up your machine. There is no "gum" in it. It dries to a starch.

I especially love using the glue to baste the folded binding (after is has been sewn on) to the back side if I want to stitch in the ditch from the front. Almost never miss anything when working from the front. The corners may need a little help with a pin or two.
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