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Old 09-27-2015, 04:45 AM
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Lynne, it is so hard to not emotional eat. I have major problems with it too. I will pray for your son it is so hard when our kids have a problem. I know you have told us before but does he have medical issues.
I am still car shopping and am so confused on what I want. My DH said I should look at the sports car I have always wanted. They are so expensive and I would then have to have 2 cars. I wouldn't be able to drive it in the winter. I don't think he knows how much they are. Also I'm not getting any younger and they sit so low. My current favorites are the Buick Encore and the Honda CRV. Both are small SUV's. I think I like the Honda the best but my DS works for a car dealership and I can get a good discount thru him. Any dealership that they own is covered. I think they own just about every kind of car company but Honda. It is a good discount, several thousand dollars.
I was doing pretty good eating until last night. DH called and he decided to make a bonfire. So the grandkids came and we roasted hot dogs and sausages. We also made samores. I used some cinnamon spice cookies I had and put a Reece cup and roasted marshmallow on it. YUM!
I haven't been bike riding all week. I was planning on going yesterday but it was supposed to rain all day. Looked like it was going to but never did. I am helping my DD make curtains today, then we need groceries. It looks like rain again. Hopefully I can get out later today.
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