Old 10-01-2015, 12:41 AM
Super Member
Join Date: May 2012
Location: S.E. Queensland, Australia
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jdstacey - all you need to do is - drop the feed dogs - set the needle in the centre position - stitch length on 0. If you have an open toe foot, use it, or you might find the embroidery foot will help. Until you get used to free motion just take it steady or you will have rather long stitches.

newborn - I have a 4000, no Disney, and love it. I'm told I wouldn't get $2000 if I sold it, and I think there is a new model out very similar, with a couple of new bells and whistles for $4000. Of course that's Auzzie prices. I believe the 4000D will give you a few more good years yet
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