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Old 03-25-2008, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 21

Maybe I'm still just new enough that I haven't found any part truly yuchy - mostly frustrating (good thing I no longer have little ones running around the house cuz they'd learn some words they shouldn't) & my SO keeps asking me what is supposed to be so "relaxing" about this endeavor!! :lol:

But, for me so far it is the binding. I've got stitching in the ditch down pretty good, my seams are getting much easier (boy did I do alot of research on how to make that happen), I love picking out and mixing colors and I find myself designing quilts in my head....but I sure struggle with the binding. Just when I think I've got it ~ it goes wrong. Thankfully, these are "practice" quilts that go to family or donate to local women's shelter and they all just smile and tell me how wonderful it looks! :-)

I can't wait for the day when I can buy a true quilting machine and frame - I'm watching those dollars add up and every time I tell myself I'm tired of working two jobs - I look at the pictures!
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