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Old 10-15-2015, 07:14 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

too funny Nanax4....happy retirement....someday

I'm often the recipient of pieces smaller than 2 1/2"; they do not understand the concept of birth must keep them under control or they will be out of control...I do sort down to 3/4"...why? Because I make minis. The variety of fabrics I get from my quilt friends allows me to step out of my color box. I know I can and will use that size of pieces...If you won' the smallest you will use or like, then get rid of the scraps by giving them to someone who will. Many board members are willing to pay postage on a box of scraps. RST is so right in regards to hoarding.

I sort by size if the pieces are cut...when I cut I trim to the closest size I use and throw into my "precut" bins. Non sized pieces go into small plastic shoe boxes sorted by color. It's easier to find what you are needing. The too small pieces go into the trash, but my pieces are pretty small. I figured I have used the life out of the fabric.

If my fabrics were not sorted I wouldn't use them, so sorting is essential for me.
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