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Old 10-16-2015, 06:10 AM
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Location: Shubuta, Mississippi
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I don't put up a tree any more either. I love to decorate, but hate to take it all down. Plus we live in the sticks and really don't have visitors, the kids all live other places.....Dallas, Denver, Seattle. So what's the point. But I do keep a bin of 'special' ornaments that I hang from one of those wire type trees or from the mantel or windows. So I do make it cheery for us! I am looking forward to this swap as it sounds simple and stress free. I figure I will make several of the ones I have planned and use them as gifts for others too. So much easier to make several of one than one of several different ideas. My 'mom cave' is such a mess right now with all the different projects going on! My husband noticed just last night that I appear to be bursting out because I now have projects in places all over the house! LOL
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