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Old 10-18-2015, 05:35 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 175
Default Whew--I checked the garbage bags

Originally Posted by Ditter43
Today my dh went to one of the big box stores. Since he was out, he took a large garbage bag with our recycle "trash" and threw it into the back of his truck. When he came out of the store, it was gone!!!I always make sure nothing with our name or address is in the recycle stuff so I am not worried in that regard. My husband called the sheriffs' office when he got home, just in case they dump it somewhere. I swear, we have had a lot of laughs about it. I hope they enjoy going through our trash!!!!
Several years ago my dh and I moved to a retirement home. Most of the family helped us discard what we didn't want to take with us. However, once when I looked outside I spotted 3 filled black garbage bags near the garbage can. After a while I decided that maybe I should check on what was inside the bags. Thank goodness I did; inside were most of my sewing supplies. (Nobody ever confessed to putting the supplies in the bags, but I have my suspicions!)
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