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Old 10-18-2015, 08:33 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 135
Default Need help selecting a pattern

I have 10 fabrics that are the same design just different colors. I have 1 1/2 yard of each but they are cut into 1-1 yard piece and then 1- 1/2 yard piece of all of them. I want to do something that's quick and relatively easy because I'm dealing with a lot of medical problems right now and I want to sew to try to distract my mind from constant worry. But I don't want it to be so easy that it's just basically sewing 6" blocks together but not so complex that I add more frustration to my already chaotic life. I know, I'm not asking for much am I? I consider myself an advanced beginner. If anyone has any ideas please throw them my way. I would greatly appreciate it. i want to post a photo of the fabric I want to use but not sure how to do it on my iPhone. If someone could tell me how to do it, I would appreciate it because I'm sure it would be helpful to those suggesting patterns. It is busy, but I like busy.

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