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Old 10-26-2015, 05:33 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by roguequilter
i didn't join pinterest, just because. looking, not collecting. and i used to look a lot, but now the page turns half black & it wants me to join or sign in using my facebook account. i don't facebook either. sometimes i can sneak fast enough & click link to site if there is one before the join or sign demand appears. pinterest was members only for first couple of years, then it was free to use member or not. now it's members only again. there is juxtapost, indulgy & others ---no blocks, no membership, easy to wander in. can click & look w/o saving anywhere. i can get lost on indulgy for days & days ...and have. pinterest is just not needed anymore by anyone.
I notice the sign up page coming up on a lot of blogs/websites more than I used to. Probably just the way things are going.

I do belong to pinterest, and enjoy seeing what their suggested pins are for me. A lot of recipe, sewing, and painting pages. I save a very small portion for future reference.

But I have not heard of juxtapost, so will check that out.

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