Old 10-28-2015, 03:16 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Arizona
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Originally Posted by Texas_Sue
Good Morning Jennifer. I was so glad to read your post and I hope when you decide to move you will consider Texas. We have pretty mild winters (a few icy days thrown in here and there) but summers are pretty hot!

What are you working on right now?

Nothing, LOL............I had cataract surgery last week, and the 2nd eye in Nov. My room is a Mess, which I have to get straightened up before cutting anything else.

I bought gobs of fabric for Project Linus quilts and my older son is looking into buying a house so I've bought fabric to make him a queen quilt for his bed using my GO! machine and flying geese die. Red, black and grayish zigzag....not sure when that will get started.

Right this minute I have a new quilting friend over and am helping her. . . . she's pressing, and cutting and I'm being lazy and instead of putting things away, I'm on the computer. roflol. She needs help, so I best go.
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