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Old 10-30-2015, 06:07 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: May 2008
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Mom used her bread mixing bowl for mixing the starch solution in.

The procedure (as I remember it)

white starch (Argo brand? - I think it was a dark blue and white box - put in the bowl
cold water added to dissolve the starch
Boiling water added to the starch to make it translucent
Satina (a little rectangle of a blue waxy substance) added and stirred until it was dissolved - it was supposed to make ironing easier

The things that were supposed to be stiffest went first - it was dunk and hand wring -
The solution did get "weaker" as more things were dunked

Back then, line drying was the only option.

Then - the items were sprinkled - some time was given for the item to get evenly dampened - and then the items were ironed within a day or two , or refrigerated or frozen - depending on when one would be able to get around to ironing that stuff.

The overalls went in last.

The starching did seem to help with soil release.
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