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Old 11-09-2015, 08:45 AM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: San Lorenzo, CA
Posts: 5,361

Well, as to where we are staying, that is open to an extent.

The reason for the trip is twofold.

1) With the gracious help of Cari-in-Oly I have purchased a MOP singer 12 clone and We are a bit concerned about shipping it.

2) Folks up there seem to really want a visit to discuss old machines, which once started, it is hard to shut me up about...

So the need is to find a place (a) Close enough to be polite to Cari and (b) central enough to allow to most folks to visit.

As to lodging, again the idea is to locate a hotel with modest conference capabilities and see if the renting of two rooms for two nights could be packaged with the conference room day use for Saturday. Now if folks have a location that is free and amenable to crazy antique machine folks, I'm all ears. Then we will just get cheap motel rooms and be done.

If we can get a conference room, I will bring up the Singer 1938 factory tour DVD for a free showing. I have permission from the Scottish folks in advance. I also have a few boards covered with felt to allow us to have a way to set machines up without damaging tables. (from our shows in museums)
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