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Old 11-19-2015, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by OurWorkbench View Post
Thank you. Now that you told me, I can see that. Just couldn't tell from the picture. I guess the description of "One latch on the case is missing, but the other works fine." isn't quite accurate -- not missing, just broken

Really kind of interesting how people will get into a case when the key isn't there. I have a 128-23 bentwood case that there are holes where the handle should attach to the bentwood case. It actually had a broken piece of what appeared to be the the original key in the lock. I also have a featherweight case with a missing latch. I was able to find a locksmith that had a bunch of little keys. I took a different FW case and we went through the keys. Actually found one that worked.

I also like the one that you posted at I don't have a 15 with the plated stitch length plate. Neat that it is made in Canada, too.

Janey - Neat people never make the exciting discoveries I do.
My first vintage machine (She's antique now) was one of those machines. The phone conversation to DH (who had the truck out of town that day) went like this:
Me: "So what would you think if I paid $145 for something that was broken?"
Him: "Where ARE you?"
Me: "Antique Mall."
Him: ".... what is it?"
Me: "Sewing machine, a treadle, you know how gorgeous I think those are..."
Him: "How are you going to get it home... I have the truck."
Me: "In the ZX2..." (think small "sporty" Ford Escort)
Him: *nothing but laughter*

It was in the living room when he got home.

Whoever had owned the cabinet before though must have thought there were valuables in it. One bank of 3 drawers was broken all to pieces - one of the drawers was missing, the bottom was missing, and one of the wood pieces with a drawer lock was sitting in another drawer. In addition, the center drawer had an arm and part of the trim missing. All of it all looked like pry bar damage. A Robertson screwdriver could have prevented all of that damage if they'd just taken 2 seconds to look. I shouldn't have bought her, I know it. I've spent a fortune bringing her back to any semblance of proper.

Last edited by QuiltnNan; 12-04-2015 at 02:11 PM. Reason: language
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