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Old 11-24-2015, 08:32 PM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
I am surprised you were sent a round center, that would have not been allowed in any of the round robins I've been part of (22 in the past 15 years) did she write her wishes, how she wants it to continue? I would check with the project moderator and possibly ( depending on what the moderator recommends) contact the center owner & ask ( the journal that goes with it should state the direction she wants rounds to go--- fabric likes, dislikes, end shape-- square, rectangular, ( round???)every rr I've been in has stated from the beginning the size the starting center should be, and the shape... They've always been either square or rectangular, odd shapes have never been allowed.
Goodness, I'm grateful I've only been in round robins (admittedly much fewer than you!) that gave the next rounder rather complete control unless there were specific requests.....and sometimes there have been NO journals with any requests! This has allowed me to try lots of different techniques I might not have if given strict limitations.

If time were an issue, I'd do the applique-on-a-square thing for this one, though I might also add something a little extra in the corners of the base square.
If there was time I'd probably find a way to piece the circle into a background that was also pieced, just to challenge myself and/or show off a little bit, heehee.

Jan in VA
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