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Old 11-30-2015, 07:51 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Indiana
Posts: 176

This is how I do it and it is a lot cheaper than buying printing sheets. Find the picture you want to print on fabric. Do any editing to the picture that is needed to get your picture the way you want it. Cut fabric to size you need and your printer will let you use.
Soak fabric in bubble jet and let it dry. Then Iron fabric so all wrinkles are gone and fabric is smooth.Then Cut any strings that may be on fabric off. Tape it to printer paper (you can reuse this) or wax paper (you can reuse this. You can buy this at any store in food area.) Run this through you ink jet printer. (You can only print on fabric with ink jet printer not safe to use laser jet ever). Let the ink dry on you fabric. Use you fabric Picture any way you want. The first time you wash the item with your fabric picture on it (t-shirt, quilt, placemat or any thing you have made with it). treat it with Retayne in washer as directed on bottle. Retayne will set you ink and Your fabric will never fade. You can buy bubble jet and Retayne on Amazon cheaper than buying in a fabric store. This is the cheapest way to print on fabric if you plan on doing a lot of Fabric pictures. This is how I do it and it works every time. I do a lot of printing picture to fabric and at times I have designed fabric I want to make my quilt blocks with.
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