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Old 12-06-2015, 02:50 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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If you pay for a server to hold your files so you can access them from where ever you are, if that server goes out of business, how are you going to get your files? Photos take a long time to load whichever direction they are going(uploading or downloading). If you use such a service, use it as just one of your backups for your digital records. Keep an external hard drive or two or three, too. Keep them away from magnets. Print a hard copy of pictures you cannot live without. If the digital files disappear, you can make more from your hard copies. And yes, servers get broken into all the time so your pictures could easily be extracted and used by others. I like having a server that I cannot destroy but I am also aware that the server could be compromised or go out of business. I keep more than one copy as a result. Yes, I'm a conspiracy theory-generation baby. If it can go wrong, it will, lol. But I'll do my best to plan around Murphy's Law. Cloud servers are very convenient but they have their problems.
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