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Old 12-15-2015, 05:51 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: in the sticks of PA
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I just used my walking foot to do the serpentine stitch on placemats with no previous problems, however, yesterday I was in a hurry doing a different stitch and found out the hard way that the walking foot is called a walking foot for a reason you can't go at full speed without issues. I broke 2 needles, needless to say I slowed it down a tad and was able to finish my projects without any further incidents. I never even thought about using my walking foot for fancy stitches until I took a Craftsy class (the instructor Jacquie can't remember her last name, sorry) does a lot of her quilting straight line but also using the serpentine stitch as well her quilts are awesome.
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