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Old 12-17-2015, 02:28 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 637

I have another Kenmore in a cabinet. It's pink and cream💜!

Haven't had time to mess with it and I think it's high shank so will have to do some shopping when the time comes.

I have a Touch and Sew that needs new gears. It's out in the garage waiting for better weather and a burst of courage on my part.

Back to the Tri Span. I'm very happy with it but I think the motor might need some attention. It's making a weird noise and it's a little sluggish in starting up. When I'm done with my current quilt, maybe I'll take the plunge and clean it up.

I'm kind of afraid to dig in there too far. I'm waiting to hear from someone who's done it-hopefully there is someone on the yahoo Kenmore forum who can throw a few crumbs of knowledge my way.

Also have a green and cream New Home, a Singer Sphinx knockoff, a Singer 9022, a White from the 80's and a Brother 1034D serger.


Not enough hours in the day.
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