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Old 12-18-2015, 03:16 PM
Ada Shiela
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Gosnells Western Australia
Posts: 1,021
Unhappy Crayon Box Quilt

Originally Posted by Bluebonnets
It's beautiful and I love the colors! So glad you are still sewing after your stroke. Way to go!!
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and compliments. I suffered a thalamic stroke in August and am pleased to say speech was not affected. Face and leg have recovered but hand is still struggling, especially when typing, having to correct almost every second word is annoying because strange things happen when striking certain keys on aluminium keyboard!

The biggest scare came early this month when I was called in to dialysis clinic for assessment; so glad they haven't begun the procedure just yet (though it will happen before too long) because I can't imagine how I will sew, knit or crochet with one hand whilst attached to a machine for hours at a time - I sew every waking moment I can but don't read unless they're quilting patterns and books!
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