Old 01-20-2010, 06:33 PM
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Location: Wisconsin
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Originally Posted by MadeinMaine
This is to all the members who are participating in the 6" block lotto -- except BlueRibbonToes (LOL):

While driving home tonight I was thinking about how much fun the 6" block lotto is and what a great job BlueRibbonToes has done to start and organize it, along with the Monthly Quilting Bee Block Swap (AND other swaps on the board), and it just doesn't seem fair that she has eliminated her chance at winning "the lotto" during any of the monthly lucky drawings.

Sooooooooo, I wondered if 11 more members would like to join me in volunteering to make one extra 6" block during the year-long process for BRT. At the end of the year she will have 12 six-inch blocks to keep for her very own >>> a small thank you gift and tribute for all the work she has done.
If you are interested, please send me a PM - we only need ll more (so to keep it fair) it will be the FIRST 11 who respond, please. Also, if you have a particular month in mind to volunteer for, please PM that info, too (again, first-come basis). We will try to keep at least the "who and when" a BIG SECRET from BRT even though she obviously will see this post. (and NO, she didn't pay me to do this <LOL>).
Thanks, everyone.
Shirley - Made in Maine
Ladies, I can't explain how much this means to me that people are willing to step in and do something for just for me. My husband works days as a teacher, then also works nights so that I am able to stay home and watch our two children. With only one car and a limited income, I feel very "shut in." (J needs the car for work, so most of the time it is just me and the girls.) Becoming an active participant on this forum has made me feel as if I am needed somewhere, as if I have friends. Call me silly and sentimental if you must- but this group of women have really given me something besides taking care of my home and children, something to call my own. Thank you so much for your kindness, and appreciation! I cherish all the kind pm's I have received... and now I will quit typing, as I sound rather foolish, and frankly pathetic. (Ha ha ha! ) I've had a blast with all of you! THANK YOU!
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