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Old 12-30-2015, 04:57 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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I got one but wasn't sure if it'd do me any good so I made sure that at least it had a watch so it wouldn't be a total waste, just in case. I got my Vivofit about a month ago and it keeps great time and it motivates me to try to exceed the preset goals, which you can change but since I'm still limited on what I can do its fine. There is a lot of controverary that they aren't accurate and Dr Oz did a show on them and had the tested a medical fitness center. While he didn' t give names out they did find out that the more expensive ones were less accurate, one was over 500. After talking to the audience many said that they do motivate them. I know for the first week I'd sync mine daily on my pc and it was 100% accurate on what time I went to sleep, when I got up in the middle of the night and would even tell me how much heavy or light sleep I got. I only had one pendant that was given to employees of the hospital and was so disappointed in it. If you shook it it would rack up points, that's not right. I can shake my wrist and it does nothing unless I'm walking. I threw the one from the hospital away. another co-worker who has always had one and is athletic threw hers away too. She does the one on the pc. There is also a free website called My fitness pal that has great recipes, workouts, etc and you can sync it with the Vivo fit website.

Samsung is coming out with a new watch soon and the older version will be going on sale and it also has the fitness part and is suppose to be pretty accurate. I'm thinking about getting it because when I'm working I hate carrying my cell with me but need to be able to get missed calls or text messages since I help my daughter with her 4, 2 are infants. Right now the watch is 250, I got my Vivio for 49 at BJ's so I'll give it to my daughter. The band doesn't bother me at all. I was happy that they come in different sizes. I have very small wrist and have a really hard time finding watches that I can wear, or bracelets either. My daughter bought me my first Pandora for Christmas and she tried it on to make sure it would fit me because she knows the problem I have.

Last edited by romanojg; 12-30-2015 at 05:02 AM.
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