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Old 01-04-2016, 04:03 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Originally Posted by Gramie bj
Jan 2 at 8:45 P.M. I turned off the lights in my sewing area, all counters clear, cutting table and sewing table clear, by Jan 3 at 7:30 A.M. said counters, cutting table, and sewing table were covered with all my scraps. Spent all day sorting by color and being very honest with myself. Will I really us that small of that peace again? By 6P.M. all scrap are sorted, put away and another 30 gal. garbage sack has been hauled out. not all fabric, found some extra trash to top it off. LOL Everything is cleared off again, tomorrow maybe I can get back to work on one of my UFO's

Fantastic!!!! Wow, that's inspiring! Being honest with ourselves--knowing who we are and how we function and what we value--is key.

If I think something is "eh" now, there's a really big chance it won't "grow on me." I don't want to keep "eh" stuff around when I could free up the space or replace "eh" with beauty. It's getting easier to part with things when I evaluate what to keep or throw based on my personality and values, not based on what I "COULD" do with something, but WILL I? Do I want to badly enough or would I rather have the space?
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