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Old 01-06-2016, 01:03 PM
Jan in VA
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Default Guild Memberships

Today I received an amazing phone call. I knew our guild recently changed boards and our new President appears to be doing a top notch job according to those I've spoken with. But, I have not been to a meeting for nearly 2 years due to my own health issues conflicting with the schedule, Mom losing interest, and my move which now places me 60 minutes away. Yet during this time I have made several big fabric donations to them for community quilts and just 2 weeks ago I gifted them with most of my mom's quilting stuff following her stroke. It literally filled the president's good sized sedan with fabric, patterns, templates, books, and baskets! Mom had been collecting since I taught her to quilt in early 1990, often surpassing me in her efforts. (Nothing thrills a teacher more!)

Well, today the president called me to advise that the board, which met yesterday, had suggested and voted me into Lifetime Membership -- no dues, but ALL privileges! There are only a few of these memberships. It is so touching and appreciated, it was stunning. I can hardly believe it because I haven't seen or spoken to many of these gals for 2 years. I often taught workshops for them, but felt like I was really a lesser talented member of the 115 member group. Now that the new year has begun, and Mom lives in GA with my brother, and I don't really have schedules holding me back, I can not wait to get to a meeting this Friday!! Had to share, I'm so excited! Can you tell?!

Does your quilting guild/group have different levels of memberships? What is the average age of your group? And how many members do you have?

Jan in VA
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