Old 01-13-2016, 05:40 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: The Deep South near Cajun Country, USA
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I have a Brother combo Sewing/Embroidery machine. Years ago, I needed some new needles and AllBrands recommended the Organ HAx130EB 80/12. (The description says it is for commercial embroidery machines.) I bought a pack of 100 needles, sorted into 10 per pack from them. These needles are absolutely wonderful. One needle will last through piecing at least 10 quilts. They almost never get dull. I am more likely to break a needle hitting a pin than have one go dull. I had always used the Schmetz needles prior to that. That was all I could get at the local fabric stores. Now, they just sit in the drawer as an emergency backup, gracefully aging quietly.
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