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Old 01-14-2016, 06:09 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Southern United States
Posts: 481

My mother gave me sewing phobia and I almost flunked the sewing portion of home economics. I saw very few quilts in my early life so there was no connection there. When I was in my early 30's my 6 year old son pulled a horrible looking quilt top out of a box at a flea market and asked if he could have it. We paid $1.00 and took it home. I bought a roll of batting in a bag and yarn from Walmart, found a flannel sheet and together we tied the quilt. Miraculously the top stayed together when washed it. The quilt was dubbed the ugly quilt and when someone was sick they took the quilt with them to bed. That got me started on quilting. It was a rough, tear-stained road for the first few years. I quickly learned I didn't want to hand stitch because I was to impatient. DH bought me a sewing machine and I struggled to find my way. I am so very glad I didn't give up! Even after 30 years I tell people who ask if I'll make them a quilt that I can't create what they would expect because I am not a great seamstress. I recently finished the first quilt that I would show another quilter. Quilting is my only craft activity. I quilt as an expression of my soul, because it makes me happy and I love the process.
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