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Old 01-21-2016, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by sewbizgirl View Post
I guess I dont understand how long a project needs to sit dormant to be considered a UFO. A month? Six months? Six years? The I Spy quilt is fairly recent (not touched for 3 weeks) so I guess just count the other one as a UFO. I've had no finishes at all in months due to working constantly on a wool sweater for my son. Finally got that done and off to him, so I can get back to my UFOs and maybe start some new quilts too.
I have a lone star that got started in 199? and I have a whirligig that got started in November 2015. Both count as UFOs because I put them aside to work on something else. I believe there is no set timeframe to classify a UFO.
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