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Old 01-28-2016, 09:45 PM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 23

Thanks so much for the ideas and theories. I think it is rust, the face plate and pressure bar had a bunch, but I'll wait for the ceramic lube, before I get much harsher, especially since the screws in the linkages aren't letting me unscrew them.

I've cleaned, got the Dremel out, figuring that might vibrate things a bit. And because of that great comparison link that Tammi posted have switched to trying liquid wrench, which seems to leave a foamy residue... Been wiping that off before reapplying.

I don't have a torch, but maybe I could try my heat gun... just concerned since the needle bar is a hollow one that it'll be more likely to break.

Thanks so much for all the posts, it's been getting past the point where I've been wondering if I was missing something obvious...
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