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Old 01-29-2016, 04:30 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: South Lyon, MI
Posts: 2,758

Hi Anoka...when I first started with the 2 1/2" square madmania. I posted a message in a free cycle online board fro my area. Saying that I was looking for fabric scraps. I had 5 people contact me and they left a bag of fabric for me to stop by and pick up. One women gave me 97 fat quarters!!!! She said a friend gave them to her she did not know what to do with them and so she gave them to me!
The first swap that I was in we need 100 different fabrics so this was extremely helpful!

Originally Posted by trish b View Post
Anaka Quilter, another way to aquire candies is to join one of the other swaps where everything is mailed at once and received back the same way. You get 750 or so that way. Also save a couple squares from every piece of fabric you use all year long. Ask your friends for scraps, I am so supprised at how many different pieces I get that way. Quilt shops usually have scrap bins. Carefully folded, you can get a lot in a little plastic bag for $2 or $3. I am always finding inventive ways to add to my candies stach without buying fat quarters all ther time.
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