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Old 02-04-2016, 08:21 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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And what's wrong with making them clean up after themselves? When my grands would spend the weekend with their dads, they couldn't leave until they picked up their things. I made it a game with my boys and they did the same. then it went into a closet. Their beds had to be straightened up also. You keep it up. It's good for them whether they do it at home or not.
Originally Posted by oksewglad View Post
I know, but now that they are all (5) in school all day, except for the one in preschool, they aren't here quite as often...weekends are the worst and when the Grands from a distance...well...this was still in chaos from Christmas and I'm not their maid....I have a part time job plus do all the bookwork for our business...
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