Thread: February POM
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Old 02-05-2016, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by nhnative View Post
I guess I'm the only one that had a female orange cat. I got her when I was was young and even had kittens from her but I don't remember her having any orange ones. She had a calico that we kept and called her Patches.

My QB name comes from a Persian calico we had named Patches and our other big old calico kitty named Posey. Together they made up my two favorite things (quilting and flowers) hence Patchesnposies.

We had two orange cats that someone dumped off at our farm in SD that we named Lewis and Clark....both boys, of course. Lewis had a stroke shortly after he came to us and walked crooked for the rest of his life. We called him Crooked Kitty and after the stroke he was the sweetest thing there ever was. He mothered every baby that he came across, animal or human. Baby Jersey's, goat kids, ducklings, a colt, puppies, our son......he was something else.

All of my calico's in my life have been girls. Love me some kitties.

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