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Old 02-12-2016, 05:36 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Spain
Posts: 108

Why not?! There's a blogger who recently stopped blogging. But, her blog was still there. She almost always has a quilt on her table as a table cloth. It looks fantastic.

Here's a link to Pinterest of her pictures.

Actually, I couldn't link to her blog. She might be in the process of taking it down. But, there are pictures in the link I provided for pinterest if you want to look.
I followed Mias Landliv for a long time, I love her quilts and her style in general (and her beautiful garden!), it's very inspiring. I felt so sorry when she recently closed the blog... I hope we still can admire her work in Pinterest for a long time.

Not sure if I would use a quilt as a tablecloth, I like how it looks but I would be always suffering for the possible stains.
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