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Old 02-15-2016, 07:33 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tallmadge, OH
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Originally Posted by MeadowMist
I'm making a scrappy quilt with 1280 half square triangles. I have all my squares cut, now my next step is to take that little ruler (there's a name for it but I don't know what it is) and put it down the diagonal of each square, then draw a line on each side of the ruler, then stitch on each line and then cut the square down the diagonal.

Question for you - it would be much faster if I could cut down the diagonal first and then chain piece a quarter of an inch from that cut edges on each of the pieces. The end result would be the same, wouldn't it? Any reason why I shouldn't do this?

I'm cutting each square a little bigger than it needs to be so after all of the above I still have to take each of the 1280 hsq's and cut them to size. This is turning out to be quite a project and I'm hoping to save a step here. Seems that step of drawing the line is kind of "extra" but I still new at this so maybe I'm missing something.

I believe you can chain piece without cutting on the diagonal first. Just sew 1/4" away from the penciled diagonal. Keep chain piecing 1/4" from the diagonal line until you get through all the squares. Then turn them and chain piece 1/4" away from the other side.
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