Thread: February POM
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Old 02-15-2016, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by JuneBillie View Post
My eyes have kind of been out of focus today. I started looking at the calendar, and seen it's the 15th. Is the not the middle of this month of February? The hard deadline is the last day of this month. Did some of you not read that in the opening of this swap? I just don't understand. Some of us even suggested to help some of you out to start another swap where you folks can sign up twice or however many times per month to be able to get your names as quick as possible and send out as quick as possible. Then you won't have anyone else keeping you from going forward at your speed. Why is that not a good idea?

The way it is with those who want quick ahead info, then in a hurry for names, then want the next day to start another one, the rest of us are not sure what's going on. For those like Lynnie, who said she has a lot going on, and to get done, why don't you take the time you have while waiting on some of us with these little swaps, to work more on those other things you say you are swamped with? I don't get it. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

For some of us, hearing when is the next swap has become an every month thing, and a every month complaint. It has become instead of relaxing and all the fun of planning to something rather stressful, and wondering if I am keeping up with those who always ready to send out the next day.

As far as saying, I like to plan ahead, I agree 100%. That is why we are given the whole month.

If you are so fast you are going to send out the next day, how will you ever be happy with waiting even a few weeks? Just wondering.

Enough said!!!!!!!

Agreed. I wasn't going to talk about this again, but it was brought up again.

Many of our hostesses may just need the time to finish the current swap before going on to the next. They're not just making whatever the project is, but also coordinating all of us as well as answering posts and private e-mails.
They also may work full-time either at home (stay at home gals and guys work hard too) or outside of the home. Or work part-time... Then they have families, extracurricular activities/hobbies... including quilting.
Some even host more than 1 swap. As I've not run a swap, I can't say how hectic it is. But I can imagine it's pretty hectic. Keeping X number of people "copasetic" is quite fun I'm sure...and I absolutely include myself.

Some of us don't like to feel pressured to send "lil extras" some of us also don't like to feel rushed. We can all finish when we finish as long as it's before the allotted deadline. If some are finished fast and mail out fast, that's terrific! But it doesn't mean we have to know what's next immediately every month.

Lastly, I am going to apologize to Teresa, because I don't want to make any added work for her. As some people aren't comfortable speaking up, I guess some others of us don't necessarily like speaking up, but here I am doing it.

It's her swap, and whatever she thinks is best is
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