Thread: February POM
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Old 02-16-2016, 06:24 AM
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I'm a very happy camper these days! Loving the little swaps! I find myself going in 10 different directions and I'm STILL working full time!!! Just recently after months and months of saying I was going to do it, I finally tried my hand at making cold process soap. I'm now official addicted!! What I like about making soap is that after about 30-45 minutes of mixing a batch, it gets poured into a mold and sits for 24 hours, then removed and sliced into bars. AND then it has to dry and "age" for 4 to 6 weeks. No pressure there! Thinking of starting an Etsy shop after I retire, since I also do a lot of sewing and crafting too. Might as well see if I can generate a little extra revenue on my crafts, right?
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