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Old 02-28-2016, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by slbram17 View Post
Reading some of these comments and it isn't enticing to me to go to a quilt class. Critical, belittling, rude. Whoo! Sounds like a disaster. I'm sure there are good instructors out there, but it's a shame that some of you have had such bad experiences.
Awww... there are plenty of really wonderful quilting classes out there. I definitely wouldn't waste my time going to a class I really hated unless it was the only way I could learn a specific technique I needed for a customer quilt. I hope that situation never arises. So far, all my real life quilting classes have been wonderful & all but one of the paid on-line classes have been fantastic as well (there was one that was mediocre, but the teacher was still pleasant & I did learn a few things).

Quilting should be fun so I don't care how technically proficient a particular "teacher" is, if she isn't effective at teaching, it's a waste of my time. I'd hope to get my money back but it seems like a double punishment to me if I have to pay all that money and sit there and be belittled. I've only taught family & friends how to quilt, but I'm a licensed school teacher and was taught at the university that research shows a bad teacher impacts a child for 3 more years. I am very picky about teachers. I expect them to have good subject-matter knowledge, to care about their students & to know how to manage a group. I've had such great experiences that I wish I could take more live classes, but due to mobility issues, it's hard for me to get out much so mostly I take classes online through AQS and NQC. But it is nice to take live classes because then the teacher can see what I'm doing and actually give me feedback when I'm doing something well or getting confused or doing something the hard way. The best teacher I've had so far was Mary Fons. Because she also has dealt with severe pain & a health disability, she was very understanding that sometimes I cannot do things the way you're "supposed to" and came up with some wonderful accommodations for me that made it an especially enjoyable & productive workshop. I've learned plenty from watching F&P on TV over the years, but having a live teacher there to help with technique & color choices made a real difference.

Please don't give up on the idea of taking classes. I haven't taken as many as other members here, but every one I have taken has been fun & educational.
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