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Old 03-02-2016, 01:37 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Originally Posted by QuilterMomma View Post
My delectable mountain is done!!!!! 14 hours of quilting. I am so glad. Three years in the corner it was. Then ran out of fabric. Thank goodness Old Country Fabrics had the right cream background, but still was not enough. Had to make the trees to fill in the space. They are wonky and do add to the whole affect. Marked my design on this quilt, then one of the fabric pens faded on me, so had to remark half the quilt while was on the longarm. thank goodness it is done.

Love the trees QuilterMomma, they make the rest of the design pop! You did a beautiful job on the quilting, even if you did have to re-mark in the middle. I've had some of those vanishing pens disappear in as little as 2 hours here in central Virginia--I think it's the humidity that does it.

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