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Old 03-04-2016, 03:54 AM
Janice McC
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Posts: 9,355
Default Boom 16 - Group Therapy - 3 month group

This is the dedicated Boom 16 thread for our 3 month group, Group Therapy. Members, please use this thread to post anything pertaining to this group.

F8s due to me: March 14, 2016
I ship to you: March 16, 2016
Blocks due to me: June 16, 2016
I will ship to you: June 20, 2016

Group Members:

Grandma Di

Everyone in this group will need to send me 18 F8s, one for every other member in the group. You do not need to send one for yourself.

Please make sure to also refer to the basic policies that apply to all swaps through the board: RULES FOR SWAPS AND SIMILAR ACTIVITIES -Updated 8 December 2010.

Fabric, Completed Block and Package Preparation:
1) Please pre-wash your Fat Eighth (F8) fabric before cutting into Fat Eighths by de-selvaging, pre-washing and pressing. Cut your fabric into Fat Eighths, generally about 18” x 11”. Mail them to me.
2) When mailing your F8s to me for distribution, please make sure they are individually sealed in a Ziploc-type bag. Label each F8 with your board name along with any instructions or color requests. (DO NOT SPECIFY A RECIPIENT unless a fabric is being directed to a particular person. Doing so slows my sorting process immensely.) Labels are useful to help the recipient prevent fabric mix-ups, something that’s easy to do. When you send your completed blocks back to me, please seal and label your completed blocks with the owner’s name AND your name in a similar manner as you did the F8s. (Your name is important so that the owner knows who made what block.)
3) Please mail your F8s to me within 2 weeks of the start of the swap, date to be finalized as sign-ups progress. The sooner you get them to me, the sooner they go out! Be sure to send me the tracking number as soon as you ship.
4) Carefully handle all fabric received and completed blocks, placing them somewhere safe until mailing time comes.
5) To help keep track of the fabrics and blocks made, I will establish an online Fabric Gallery.
6) You are REQUIRED to keep in touch with your group by posting to the dedicated Boom 16 thread at least every 2 weeks. This is a requirement. If you don’t wish to keep in touch, this is not the swap for you.
7) All blocks must be completed within the time frame for the group and mailed to me with a tracking number.
8) All blocks should be 12 1/2” unfinished. They may be regularly pieced, paper-pieced, appliquéd, whatever the block maker decides to do. It is up to each individual. Again, the feeling is to get a true friendship quilt out of this. Please do not request specific blocks as the idea is to let everyone, of every skill level, join in and try new things and grow. Before mailing, be sure to clean up the blocks by trimming your threads and cutting dog ears.
9) Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

You must supply me with tracking numbers on all parcels sent to me and I will do likewise when I mail to you. All shipping costs are your responsibility. You may ship to me in whatever tracked package you like, however I will ONLY ship to you in USPS Padded Priority Envelopes at a cost is $6.80. You may supply me with a pre-paid or pre-stamped USPS Padded Priority Envelope (available for free at or send me $6.80 in well-concealed cash and I will supply the envelope, whatever is easier for you.

Keep in mind the following:
You MUST be in good standing with previous swaps. Anyone with a poor track record of fulfilling swap commitments will not be permitted to join. Once names are published on the Boom 16 thread, I will likely be told if there have been previous problems and you may be dropped at my discretion. If you sign-up here and do not fulfill your commitment, negative feedback will be given.
All skill levels are welcome but you must be able to sew a basic, well-constructed block. It need not be fancy or detailed but it must not be falling apart. I respect new quilter’s need to learn and that will be taken into account.
PLEASE pre-wash fabrics without any fragrance residue. Please note that that some swappers may be smokers or have pets. If either pets or smoking is a serious problem for you, you may find this isn’t the swap for you.
NO public complaints or criticisms for any reason are permitted. ALL complaints must be addressed by Private Message (PM) or email to me at [email protected]. NO EXCEPTIONS!
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