Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 01-23-2010, 07:33 PM
Quilt Mom
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Okay, I admit it. I have a real problem. I lose weight, then it finds me again. First time it was 40 pounds off, and regained 20. Kept level for a few years. Moved and gained 60 pounds. Lost 40, gained 60... A broken bone and two surgeries later, I am needing to lose 80 pounds. I am going to 'weigh in'. That's my first commitment.

We just purchased a treadmill, so I will be using that any time I watch TV. My DH agreed to help me with this, and we have cut out desserts - now we have our fruit for dessert. Other changes are in the works.

Thanks for this thread, Lneal.

By the way, you probably wouldn't believe how long it has been since I even wore a dress. I can't bear the look of my legs...
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