Thread: Discard UFOs?
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Old 03-23-2016, 09:12 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 947

I think you are wise to go through and see if any spark any joy still. Keep those. The rest, get rid of them. I will be different from most of the above posters and say -- don't spend undue time and energy finding just the perfect recipient for them -- you don't have to control what happens next. You just take care of clearing your space, get them out of your home, and trust that the right person/organization will come across them at the right time and they will be put to some good use. Seriously -- set a limit on how much time you are willing to spend in divesting yourself of these things that make you feel sad and guilty -- like 3 days. And feel free to stipulate that anyone who wishes to take them has to take them all , being free to do as they wish with whatever they don't choose to keep.

Maybe I am projecting here, but I have family members who make the donation of unwanted items into the most amazing odyssey -- a huge, dramatic project fraught with all kinds of misery. So I encourage you to make your parting be swift, decisive, and guilt free.
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