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Old 03-25-2016, 06:57 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: SF Bay Area
Posts: 531

Checking in again to see everyone's beautiful cards, and news, and travel photos, wow. You all have set a very high bar, you know! I'm going to sign up for April.

I've been sidetracked making a potholder (quilting it, hand-piecing too) featuring a portrait of my daughter's youngest dog, for her as a surprise. It's been good practice...the likeness is turning out well. I thought I would paper-piece it but ha! there must be something I'm not picking up from the youtube thread looped up underneath the paper & the paper itself started tearing on the stitch machine began to rattle. This was after I changed the stitch, needle, and tension settings to what I thought it should be. Well, I'll figure it out after I finish piecing the little "pup portrait potholder."
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