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Old 03-26-2016, 04:46 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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Your quilt is beautiful and I know the lucky couple will just love it- applause to you for hand quilting this beauty.
A strange coincidence I am currently in the process of making the same quilt pattern but using purples in mine- I made two blocks last summer and put it all aside to complete my Christmas quilts, decided to get back to this one. I'm in sort of a quandry now though, because our challenge in my quilt group for the year is to make our challenge quilt monochromatic. Purple is my favorite color, so I will be doing mine in purple and I want to have enough purples to do both. I have loads of purple fabric but I don't want to skimp on either quilt. My quilts are all machine pieced and machine quilted. I would never attempt to hand quilt a quilt no matter what the size- that would make me quit quilting forever. I always dread to even have to hand sew the bindings, but I always do because I think they look so much better.
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